Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Part One of "The After"

Okay.... I know what some of you are thinking, and yes I am JUST NOW posting some pictures of the new house post move-in day. I have to thank Rachel Logan...if she hadn't been here visiting this week I don't think I would have been able to take any pictures until Christmas. She was kind enough to take these few pictures yesterday. Okay so here are the descriptions of the pictures below:

Picture #1: The view when you open the front door...notice the difference in curtains! Much better! You might also notice the speakers which tower on top of the entertainment center...that is Aaron's master piece! We get great sound while watching TV...almost like we are inside the movie!

Picture #2: The view when you are standing in the bedroom hall way. Behind you would be all the bedrooms and gust bath with our bedroom off to the right. Again...notice the curtains in the living room and dining room... Me likey! As you can see the "wall of cabinets" is still in place. We aren't going to remove them until we own the house.

Picture #3: Our great fireplace. It is electric…no messy firewood needed! This living room is laid out in such a way that I can fit more furniture than the Wylie house...even though it is much smaller than the Wylie house. If you can see the candle holder on the coffee table (in the bottom right corner) my mom brought that back from Maine for my new house and I love it! It has wonderful Pumpkin Spice candles that you burn in it and makes the whole house smell fabulous!!

Picture #4: Our entry way...this is the first time we have ever had an entry way and it is lots of fun. It is so nice to have a "little room" where your guest can take off their coats and shoes without being on top of the people in the living room.

Picture #5: The dining room...it is a little dark but you can get an idea of how the room feels. Directly behind you would be our china hutch and to the left is the kitchen.

Those are all the pictures I have for right now... I will try to get Rachel to help me get pictures of the bedrooms so you all can see my new bed-spread and the other rooms.

If you would like our new address shoot me an email.

Until later....

The Pictures...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our new home…

Well I am sure many of you are wondering how the move went and how the new house is treating us. Sorry it has taken so long for me to blog this! Life is crazy right now. I am in the busy season for work and going away on business a lot. Not to mention we don’t have internet at home so when I forget to get on during the day I can’t at night when I remember. It’s a”vicious” cycle.

Have no fear...pictures of the "after" house will be posted soon, but for now here are the highlights of the move:

1. We started on time (8:00 am…although Aaron and I started around 5:00 am because we couldn’t sleep)

2. Moved quickly (the men worked fast and furious. By the end it took 1 huge moving truck, 2 pick-up trucks, 2 cars and 1 SUV to get us all moved)

3. Ended on time (I had said I would have liked to be finished around 3:00 and that is precisely the time all the moving crew left for their homes)

4. It took the “unpacking” crew (Aaron’s parents and grandma, plus us) a few days to make headway…it looked like a war zone in the house. We couldn’t locate the hinges for the refrigerator doors (which were removed last December in Wylie)…we were unpacking boxes and not putting things away trying to find the hinges. Aaron ended up having to special order them and they just came in last week. That’s right 3½ in my new home with no fridge. Oh the stories we are going to be able to tell our children one day about when we moved to AR.

5. Day 2 in the house we discovered the A/C wasn’t working and the dishwasher was leaking! If you are wondering we still don’t have A/C or a dishwasher…it is taking some time to get them fixed. Like I said…oh the stories we have to tell

Good news…the dishwasher should be fixed this weekend and the A/C should be fixed in the next 2 weeks! Yahoo! We love the new house…I can already feel myself more settled here. During the unpacking days I would get a little sad because I kept thinking, “Now that we are in a house again we can have the Tully’s over tonight!” Then I would remember they don’t live in our neighborhood any more. Then I would think about my friends in Texas who couldn’t come over for dinner one night…I had to tell myself you all can come over it will just take some planning! So don’t be surprised if you get an invite in the mail to a free weekend get-away at La Chateau Ledford conveniently located in Bryant, AR.

Oh, and if you were wondering that picture is one of my 5 rose bushes! I have always wanted a rose bush and now I have 5! Yeah! Well, that’s all I have time for right now…Until later.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The “before” of the new house…

Well for those of you who have been after me begging for pictures of the new house. Here you go….keep in mind the curtains are not ours! After you read this blog scroll down to see the pictures…

The front of the house…the front yard is huge like the back yard, plus we have the humongous flower bed that stretches the full length of the fence. Everything you see in the pictures is part of our property!

The inside of the house…the first one is the view from the front door when you first walk in (curtains not ours); the second is the dining room/kitchen. After we close on the house we are going to remove the cupboards that are creating that “wall” between the two…it will open it up a bunch! The third, hard to see picture is my sink… I have a window right above it!!! Hooray! Remember…curtain not mine.

Finally the huge backyard…Lucy’s new haven!! Last Saturday while we were doing the pre-clean I went into the back yard and there was the biggest rabbit! Aaron said Lucy is going to have fun catching that one! Okay…that’s all for now. After we get settled in I will take more pictures!

Here is the plan for after we close on the house:
1. Install a storm door… I need more light! I have been living in a dark room for 9 months. Me want light!
2. Install a vent-a-hood/microwave, matching stove & dishwasher
3. Knock down the cupboards creating the wall in the kitchen/dining room. Re-hang them else where…TBD
4. Paint, paint, paint
5. Install a mantle above the fireplace…I am thinking one of the little shelf-like mantles
6. Install new blinds…the wood kind. Right now they are the aluminum kind.
7. Update the light fixtures and door knobs

Now keep in mind all of those things won’t be done at once…we are going to have to pace ourselves! Okay. I must work now…I can’t believe the big day is tomorrow!!

Until later….

The House....

Inside the House...

Backyard Pictures...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The day after tomorrow.

Time is flying by…we are moving the day after tomorrow. I am so not ready! Ha ha…yeah right! Life is a crazy “mess” right now. I am so busy at work I can’t think straight most nights when I get home. You ever have one of those days where your mind is spinning in about 5 million directions that you just want to slap yourself to focus?! Yeah…that would be me right now at work. What can I say…that’s busy season.

Church is going really great! Aaron is preparing for Christmas already (man it’s only a few short months away)! Each week I have been interpreting for a deaf lady at our church. It is great fun, but every week I am reminded how much sign language I have forgotten! Since life is a crazy “mess” I haven’t had the time to devote to remembering what I have forgotten…so she helps me. I will sign something or fingerspell something and she will show me the correct sign. It really helps with the friendship bond.

Some Sunday’s we can get to laughing and she will tease me about signing…I am thankful that God allowed me to take sign language because until I started signing she would come to church and just sit there. She can read lips really well and she can hear “noises” (more like vibrations) better than most, but she can’t hear. She first came to church through our food pantry ministry. She was saved and baptized and has been coming ever since. Some Sunday’s she brings some deaf friends. I am hoping and praying that when I am fluent again I might be able to start a class at church to teach how to sign that way more of our church family can talk to her. We’ll see…

My parents were in town last night and we were able to take them by the house…the next time they will be in town will be October (they and my high school teachers, the Dawsons, will come over for dinner one night) their company will be doing a seminar in Little Rock during that time. I wanted to show them the before and they will see the after. Mom is just as excited as I am…Aaron and dad are men (they’re happy if we’re happy). Aaron is excited though…I think he is ready to have a home that’s ours again and to have the opportunity to take Lucy for a walk at nights like we use to in Wylie.

Aaron’s dad is coming into town tomorrow and spending the night with us to help with the big move…his mom and grandparents will follow on Friday evening after mom gets out of school (she’s a high school algebra teacher). They are going to spend the weekend with us unpacking. We aren’t sure if they are going to go home on Sunday or Monday. We are really glad they are coming…we haven’t seen them in a long time.

Last night Aaron and I, along with my folks, went and looked some hotels that Aaron’s family could stay in this weekend since we won’t be unpacked…I suggested camping out with us, but they want to stay at a hotel. Anyway, let’s just say some of the ones we went into were really scary! I think we found a nice one that is very affordable in Bryant (the town we are moving too).

Well I guess I need to get off and do some work….since I am leaving early to go to the foot doctor. Hopefully this will be my last visit. I have had 3 shots in my right foot and 2 in my left over the course of 3-4 months. The shots hurt like you wouldn’t believe! I have planter fasciitis really bad in both feet. Hence the shots and all the trips to the doctor. Anywho…today I have another appointment and I am hoping no more shots! Think happy thoughts today!

Until later….

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Count Down begins...and is nearly over!

WOW! Hard to believe in just 7 short days we will be moved into our new house! Yikes! Okay, for those of you who haven’t gotten crazy phone calls from me announcing the days, and hours left until the big move let me bring you up to speed:

We officially move NEXT Friday, August 29, 2008! I have been counting down since 3 weeks ago…recently I have been known to call someone and announce, “10 days, 17 hours and 34 minutes!” ….Bet you can’t you tell I am excited?!

“What’s the game plan?” you may ask…here it is… we have several men from our church coming to the church at 8:00 a.m. to move us out of the church. I am leaving the “where to begin loading” task for Aaron… All I know is, I have packed up basically the entire apartment, moved all the boxes to our upstairs storage room, and am planning the menu on what to feed the “boys” when they come to help us. Not to mention planning/practicing my “bossy voice” so I can direct traffic…jk!

We are renting a truck to move…we decided it would go much faster if we loaded and unloaded everything at once instead of making multiple trips in pick-up trucks. Plus, it has been really rainy here so just in case the pattern of thunderstorms continues we don’t have to worry about everything getting soaked through.

Okay…what else has been happening here (besides me becoming obsessed with moving)?! We have been so busy the days/weeks are flying by. We are doing an outreach program at church and that has consumed most of Aarons days getting ready for it all. There is a new sub-division only a few miles from the church and we went and pasted out flyers last weekend advertising our church’s outreach program…painting their house number on their curb! We have had a great response so far…over 100 homes I believe.

Here is how it works…we handed out (or hung flyers on their doors) inviting them to call and make an appointment where our church’s “curb painting team” could come out and paint their house number on their curb for FREE. No cost to them…all they had to do is call, make the appointment and guarantee someone will be home when we come by so that we can talk with them, and they can watch us paint. (Wink, wink, which is where the evangelism comes in…get it?).

We were scheduled to paint Thursday night, Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday night this week, but because of the rain we had to try to move the Thursday & Friday appointments to Saturday/Sunday or possibly next weekend…don’t worry if we have to paint next weekend it will not stop me from moving….NOTHING could stop me…I am a very motivated lady!

Anyways…the entire church is really excited about this. In fact when we went out last Sunday night you could feel the excitement building. By the time we were going back to the church so many were practically beaming and excited…there was more talking riding home then there was headed to the sub-division. It was great!

Well… my job is going well. Lots going on there and I don’t have the time to go into detail today. I will do that later. We are gearing up for our busy season to begin in 3 weeks. Basically in September and October I will be gone on a trip almost every week. 2x some weeks. It is going to be crazy…please pray for me.

Well I must sign off for now, but I will ask that you pray for some family friends of ours…they are going through a really rough time right now…I don’t feel comfortable telling their names, but pray for them. They are having major health issues on both sides of the family and trouble finding a job (which we all know can cause financial difficulties). Please remember them in your prayers.

Until next time!

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well there has been so much going on these days. It is hard to believe almost a year has passed by since moving to little rock! Last weekend (as some of you know) was my birthday! 3 cheers for me… ha ha. I had a grand time with my new friends here in AR. You know I am going to give you the blow by blow so here we go….

Before my birthday weekend we had just finished a week long VBS at TBC and it went really well…lots of kids. Aaron and I taught the K-3rd grade class…what a fun bunch! Anyway…Friday night we got together with Melissa, Matt, Rebecca and Paul for a fun night filled with homemade pizza and games! It was a blast hanging out with some of my newest, so to be dearest friends. I wish you all could have been there.

Saturday was very packed…Aaron hosted the 1st annual musician’s cookout for TBC. Most of the day was spent hauling things over to April & Mike McFarland’s house (the couple keeping Lucy) since the Ledford’s don’t have a house YET (more about that at the bottom)! Since it was my birthday weekend I spend the morning lounging around watching BONES…one of my favorite shows! It was great… I didn’t get out of my PJ’s until almost noon! We went to my favorite restaurant for lunch…any guesses…yep, Chick-fil-a! after which we took Paul on a tour of our soon to be new home (more to come), followed by grocery shopping…and let me just say trying to shop with 2 men is a nightmare… ha ha. JK! Once we had all the vittles secured we dropped them off at the McFarland’s and went back to the church for a few minutes of down time before the party began. The cookout was a smashing success…we had about 40ish people show and had tons of fun.

Sunday was an event filled day as well…it was my office birthday day! Yahoo! It was also my last week for a while on the praise team (we have the teams set-up on a rotation bases), and I tried my best to interpret for a deaf lady at our church. It is really great using sign language to communicate God’s Word…now I just have to work really REALLY hard to remember all the signs I once knew! After church Aaron took me to a really nice steak restaurant for lunch. After which we went on the hunt for my present. I had asked for a new vacuum cleaner and he wanted me to pick it out. I have to tell you I did NOT get a vacuum cleaner…we ended up replacing the filters on our old one since we have never done that! The old filters were 3 years old!! Yikes! Aaron did buy me Season 1-2 of NCIS another show I really like…so in the end it was ok that I didn’t get the vacuum cleaner!

Ok, so Sunday night we had to go to 2 different small group bible studies and make an announcement about an evangelism opportunity we are going to have in a few weeks at TBC. So we drove way out to the boonies to the other McFarland’s house (Jeff & Christy…Jeff is Mike’s brother) and made the announcement. Then we drove back to civilization and went to Jimmy & Kathy Eldrod’s house for another get together. Jimmy coaches the church softball team that Aaron is a part of…jimmy also sings in the choir and we are working on getting Kathy to join the choir. Anywho…the weekend was filled with lots of fun, good food and great fellowship!

Okay now to the house… I know you have been on pins and needles waiting. Drum roll please….we are moving out of the church and into our new home August 29 weekend (Labor Day weekend...I have Labor Day off)! I don’t have any pictures yet, but hopefully will have some soon. The house currently belongs to Sue & Jerry Kidd from TBC. We are going to do a lease to own like our Wylie house…once we close on the Wylie house we can close on the AR house. It is 3 bed, 2 bath, and 1497 square feet and has a back yard that makes the plains of TX look small!! We are so very pumped! We can’t wait to have windows, our puppy and all our home things again! I have to say I will probably miss the church…it sure does get really dark anytime of the day, making sleeping-in very easy. Plus, we all know how hard change is (especially for me)…I would be lying if I didn’t say I am a bit nervous…but from what I hear that is normal. We are very excited about the house though, there is tons of potential and we have plans already on how we want to re-do/redecorate it. We may even get to start moving boxes in earlier than the official move date. The Kidd’s are a great family and so generous to us. We feel so blessed that God brought such a sweet & precious family into our lives.

Anyways…that is all I have time for now… I must get to work! Until later…bye!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The day has finally come....

Aaron and I are going to be able to move out of the church!! Yippy! Since we have been able to do the lease to own option on the Wylie house we have been considering renting.

There is a couple in our church that has a house they are trying to sell and they spoke to us about possibly renting/buying their house. We went and looked at the house and have been talking/praying about it for a few weeks now. The Kidd family (the family that own the house) are very kind and understanding...in fact he is one of the directors for the BMAA….he travels all over the world working with BMA missionaries.

We won't be able to move until September and that was something we thought might be a drawback for the Kidd's went considering us...we got a phone call last night that they are willing to hold the house for us until September and the rent price they asked is less than what we were thinking which is a huge blessing (I wasn't sure if we could afford the rent we were thinking it was going to be)! We are going to work out all the details after Mr. Kidd returns from his business trip!

The house is a little smaller than our Wylie house but only by about 60 sq ft. not bad…the bedrooms are a little smaller and the ceilings are a little lower, but that is ok. It was built in 96 and is in good condition. Aaron and I are going to do some remodeling if we buy it…we want to knock down a few things to open it up. PLUS I want a storm door since I had to leave me last on in TX!

The back yard is about the size of a field….. If you were to take our Wylie back yard and add another 1 ½ that would be about the size of the back yard!!! HUGE!!!! We will finally have our baby puppy back…since she has been living apart from us longer than she lived with us!!!

The landscaping in front is my favorite…it is so beautiful!!! I will have to take pictures…OR if you feel the need to come visit you could come see it first-hand!!

Well that is all for now...I will keep you posted!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yahoo!!! The House!!!

Hello everyone....we have some great news!!! Our house is going to sell!!! We have a young couple with 3 kids who are doing a lease-to-purchase on the house. That means they are going lease it from us until July 2009 at which point we will close on the house!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

This will allow Aaron and I options...we can choose to rent a small apartment or stay at the church "apartment" and save money for a down payment on a house here. I have to be honest I think we are going to opt for the former rather than the later.... I know on one hand that will probably mean more days of sadness for me, but on the other hand I keep thinking we will FINALLY be able to get our feet back under us financially! Thus allowing us to buy a house here without a fear of where is the money going to come from! Yippy!

I have to say life has finally reached a sense of "normal" whatever that is.... we have gotten into a good routine now and I have accepted the fact that for now we must live in the church because we just can't afford anything else...FOR NOW!

It is nice to finally have some type of peace & settlement about where I live....you all know it has been a hard road! I guess you could say I have acclimated my self to the church gym! ha ha!!

My job is going great... I have started my new position as Meeting Planner Assistant and I spend most of my days calling different state tracking down a possible meeting location for that state's chapter. I also book flights, create various forms & brochures, plus a whole bunch of other stuff I haven't even learned about yet!!! Yikes! In fact this is the first time in my life I brought work home with me!!! Oh no....it's happening.... I am becoming a "work-a-holic"!!! HA HA... yeah right.... It is the people who make the job not the job itself and ACMA has WONDERFUL PEOPLE!

Aaron is doing really good...he is really enjoying having Matt on staff. For those of you who may not know our friend Matt Henslee has become our new youth pastor ( http://www.templeuth.com/ )! He was Aaron's roommate at DBU for a few semesters, and is the drummer in our band Fragile Stone ( http://www.fsworship.com/ ). He and his wife Rebecca have moved out here about 2 weeks ago and it has been really good having friends from Texas here.

We have decided to make all our Texas friends move to Little Rock....our first "victims" are the Tully's.... ha ha.... Even Matt & Rebecca say the Tully's need to move here....so if you know Matt & Wendi...you need to tell them to pack-up and get their little butts out here! :) Don't worry...you might be next... muahhhahhhahhahh!!

Well I must get to church, but stay tuned for more.... love you all! Bye now!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Our House...

Well I know most of you are probably wondering if we have sold the house yet...the answer...NOPE!!! Grrrr.... oh well. I have to keep reminding myself God is in control and there is a reason we haven't sold yet.

On the upside... I listed the house on craigslist and surprisingly we have had a few responses...who knows perhaps one of them will be the lucky new owners of the best house in Wylie TX!

Meanwhile...that is what our AR "home" looked like a few weeks ago...boy did it rain!!

Please keep us in your prayers…we really would love to sell and get settled here! Until later….

What happened in Vegas....

Hello Everyone! I know, I know...it has been FOREVER since I blogged and I know you are dieing to know what happened in Vegas and if it stayed in Vegas or not. So let me begin....

I got there on April 23 and that was a long flight...for some reason I was thinking a short 2 hour flight...nope 3+ hours. Yikes and let me just say the landing was AWEFUL!!! Because Vegas is located in a valley there are some nice gushes of wind that rock your plane back and forth... I seriously felt green after landing! Yuck!

So we get to the hotel and it is the coolest hotel I have ever been to in my life...it was great. It was the Red Rock Casino, Spa and Resort....if you saw the movie 21 that recently came out then you have seen the inside of the hotel....most of the Vegas scenes in that movie where shot at that hotel. Here is their website if you are interested to see it...http://www.redrocklasvegas.com/

Anyways...we get there, check into our room (which is the picture above...me and my room) and then we headed down-stairs to begin working. And let me tell you we worked really, REALLY hard all week! The first few days were prep days and so we would get ready for the convention and then at night our boss would take us out to dinner....speaking of which I have a few tails to tell regarding my "dinning experience in Vegas".

So the first restaurant we went to was called Terra Rosa and the chief there was one of the Hell's Kitchen winners. I had Sea Bass and Swordfish for the first time and let me just say....FABULAS!!!! YUM! I will definitely have those dishes again! Hello!! The second restaurant we went too was called T-Bones...it is the really expensive steak place... I mean just the steak itself for $50. You then had to purchase each side item by itself...prices ranged from $10-$20 per side item...needless to say it could easily cost $100 per person! Yikes!

Anyways...so me and another lady I work with, Kelli, decided to spilt the T-Bone and the New York strip and a loaded baked potato. As our server was bringing out our food he ran into another server and I saw this container go flying in the air...all this white stuff just flying through the air and I thought, "Oh! That must be our cheese!" Well has it splattered on my head, shoulder, back and leg...I realized it was NOT cheese, but SOUR CREAM!!!! All up in my hair, and all over the ONLY suit I brought for the conference…I was wearing the suit because you had to dress a certain way to dine at this restaurant. I of course immediately started laughing...what else could I do?!

As I am sitting there turning red from laughing and my co-workers are just staring at me like I am nuts and if it had been them they would be yelling at the guy…2 of the biggest managers I have ever seen came over and surrounded me. It was like something out of an Italian mafia movie. As they hovered above me they were telling me that I didn’t want to get my dry-cleaning compted but rather would want something taken off of the bill that way I could see instant results. Because if I got my dry-cleaning compted they would have to see the bill and mail me a check and that could take up to a few weeks. So I told them okay…take it off the bill. I really just wanted them to stop intimidating me by breathing down my neck…I told my boss they were going to reduce the ticket cost some and he very kindly said he would take care of the dry-cleaning since it would be about the same amount that was coming off the bill! So for the rest of the night as we continued to prep for the conference I had sour cream hair! Let’s just say after we were done that evening I went up stairs and took a nice long, hot bath in the world’s largest tub…no joke. If I were to try to touch my feet to the end of the tub I would have drowned easy…it was really long, and deep…very nice!

Anyways…here is how the rest of the time went….work until 12,1,or 2 am, then get up and at 5am to be at work by 6am and do the same thing….work until 12,1,or 2 am. Many days this occurred….one of my main jobs was the money lady. I was assigned to registration but when we got there the money took on a life of its own….we had a 50/50 Raffle, a Silent Auction and Live Auction and I was in charge of all that cash!! There were times when my raffle sellers would be there to pick up more tickets and hand in cash AND some one would be wanting to pay for an auction item…I was the only one allowed to take money basically so let’s just say I went crazy with money…every time I ran out of tickets to sell I had to go downstairs to the safety deposit box and get more, put up the money and tickets stubs, etc. I went down to the box so many times the people working the front desk knew exactly who I was…no joke!! I would be walking up and they would say, “Do you need into your box again?” They were my friends during the conference…ha ha!

The last day of the conference we were done at 12 noon, but we had to pack and ship things back to Little Rock…so we finished about 4 pm and I went outside for the first time since getting there 8 days earlier… I lounged by the pool! It was great! I spent about an hour and a half out by the pool and then I met up with my co-workers and we ate at this HUGE buffet place….$25.00 a person! It was good! I actually got to go to bed at a descent hour that night…keep in mind by this time I really have only had about 14-15 hours of sleep in 4-5 days!

We got up early to catch our flight and it was a great trip home… I tried to sleep but that just didn’t work since the man behind me was coughing up his left lung and I was afraid he would hock a loogie into my hair! It was nasty!! Coming home was great…Aaron picked me up and he even had a welcome home present…he bought me Becoming Jane!! Then he took me out for a wonderful steak dinner! I was so great coming home! I think I slept about a million hours the next day! We went and saw Lucy…who has just turned 1 years old! She is getting so big! Merlin wouldn’t leave me alone… I think he missed me!

Well I think that is all the details on Vegas….more to come on life in Little Rock!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Welcome To Vegas

Well as most of you know i am going to Vegas for a company trip...I will be there for 10 days. We are putting on a convention and it takes a few days to set up, the convention and a few days to tear down.

Well after a long travel day yesterday I made it!! And let me just say the hotel and my room are awesome.

I can't really talk now we are about to start setting up, but i wanted to tell you about last night....we at a Terra Rossa...this Italian resturant where Hell's Kitchen''s 1st winner is the excutive chef!! It was great...so fancy!!! My boss treated us to dinner.

I had a Lobster Brische (not sure if that is how it is spelled) and the Seabass... which I split with one of my co-workers so I could aslo try the Swordfish...let me just say it was great... the Swordfish was my favorite!!!!

Well that is all I can say now, but I will try to post more....

oh that picture is in the airport...LOVE IT!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Interesting Twist!

I have some exciting news…after only being at my job for 7 weeks I was offered a promotion! Here’s what happened:

We are preparing for our national conference which is in Vegas next month and on Wednesday of last week (3/26) we had a mock registration (that is where people who have been to nationals before pretend to be “customers” and those of us who have never been try our best to “register” them for the conference).

The company flew in a lady who has been going to the national conference for the last 15 years…she along with our Meeting Planner was the ones in charge of the training session. Once they thought we were ready they called our CEO and he came up and pretended to be a person….lots of questions. If you didn’t know the answer you really had to BS your way through and then after the “scene” acted out they would tell you what you should have said.

Well, during the mock registration they kept saying I was doing a great job and I was good at that kind of thing…etc.

Thursday rolls around and my boss asked to speak with me. He took me into the conference room and said, “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.” I kept thinking…”oh no…he is going to fire me”. However, he ended up offering me a promotion! He said they all were very impressed with how I handled myself during the mock registration and thought I would be a good fit for the Meeting Planning Assistant.

He also said there is a chance that in 6 months or so I might be able to plan some events on my own….perhaps that means another promotion to Meeting Planner!!

I spent all weekend talking with Aaron, parents, and various people from church including our pastor…after much thought and prayer I decided to take the position! As soon as we can hire a replacement for me in my current position (Customer Service Assistant) then I will start my new job!

Needless to say things are going great here in AR! Now if only we can sell our house!! Please keep that in your prayers!

Until later….

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week....reflections

As I reflect on the wonder that is the Easter season I have to pause and give thanks for the many blessings in my life! God has given me a loving husband, a roof over our heads, food on the table, jobs for financial support, and most important eternal life!! Praise God for all His many blessings.

Life has been slowly, but surely improving. If I am being completely honest I would say when we first moved here I didn't like it (bet you couldn't have guessed that...ha ha). Now, however, I am growing increasingly more and more fond of our new home. The people are so sweet, genuine and possess good hearts...you can't help but love them! I have to say I believe I am truly and completely HAPPY here!! I never thought the day would come, but I think it has! :)

Since getting my new job (which is going great by the way), it seems the "sun has begun to shine again". I wish I could say that during all the different seasons of my life I trust God whole-heartedly and NEVER doubt....that would be a lie! Sadly I fall very short of that mark! Praise God for his ever-present patience for us lowly, Earth-dwellers!! Without His sufficient grace we wouldn't be able to make it day by day!

Well, as we get ready for this weekend I keep thinking, "So many exciting things are going to happen!!" Such as, the Tully's are coming to visit, my good friend Erin Richard is on her way here tomorrow, & Aaron is holding the first ever Good Friday service at Temple! I am so excited I am about to burst out of my skin (figuratively not literally...yuck!)!!!

Friday night we are having a service that reflects solely on Christ crucifixion. There is going to be scripture reading that correspond with video clips and music. After the service Matt Tully is going to have an art exhibit set up that features pieces on the crucifixion (go figure). It is going to be a wonderful time for us to remember why we get so excited on Easter Sunday.

Saturday we are having an Easter Egg Hunt for the children in the church and surrounding community with a fun lunch! Then of coarse Easter Sunday we’ll have a wonderful service and the most exciting part is 2 of our new members are going to be Baptized that morning! What a wonderful, visual reminder of Christ's death and resurrection!!!

Okay, I need to say goodbye for now, but shall write again soon!!! Oh, if you are wondering who the cute little boys are above they are April & Mike McFarland's little ones! They are the folks keeping Lucy for us right now!! Aren't they so precious!?!?!?! Oh yeah...nothing on the house yet!! Keep that in your prayers!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


life is interesting these days! It can be so frustrating when you have no money! I am sure several of you can understand...I bet you have been there at least once in your life. I experienced a first this past week...I couldn't buy chicken because it was to expensive and we don't have the funds for it!!!! I had never even thought a day would come when buying chicken would "break the bank"!!! Oh well...at least it is payday this week!!!! Yeah!!

The job is going really good. We just relocated into a new office and I really like it! I have a view again...not as nice as the view from Advancement but pretty close to it (enjoy that Debbie)! :) This up-coming week will be the first at the new office... I will let you know how it’s going after a few days there!!! :)

Aaron and I had dinner this past week at some friends house, the McFarland’s, and Aaron played "Cowboys & Indians" with their 4 yr old Ethan...that's the picture above!!! It was pretty darn cute!! :)

Well I think that is all for now... Oh yeah... STILL WAITING FOR THE HOUSE TO SELL!!!! GRRRRR. If you know of any buyers wanting in the Wylie area please tell them to buy our house!!!! I really want to get a house here and we can't until we unload the TX house!! Even Aaron is getting tired of the room at church! At least we aren't paying rent...we would be completely broke if we had to pay 2 housing payments!!! Yikes!

Until later!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The New Job

Well...it has been a week now since I started my job, and I have to say not a day goes by that it doesn't make think of my DBU!!! I miss everyone there, and this job makes me think of the Cashier's office, the Business office, and Advancement!! It is like I took all those jobs and mixed them together! :)

I am liking it ....we are trying to relocate our office so I think this week and next will be a moving week!!! yikes!

Aaron is doing really well...he is LOVING his job and we LOVE our church!!! They are a wonderful group of people!

Merlin is still a playful cat, but now he will crawl up into your lab and fall asleep!!! I LOVE it!! Lucy is getting so big....I hate that she isn't with us, but she is having the time of her life with Boo! I think we may need to get another dog after we buy a house that way she doesn't get so lonely! :)

Speaking of the house....we just lowered the price from $144,900 to $142,500. That is about all we can afford to lower it! We really need to sell it....we barely have any money in the bank!! That house payment is killing us!!! Hopefully our finances will do better now that I have a job and will be getting paychecks!!!

Okay...I need to get back to the old job!!! Have a great day everyone! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Job!!!

Okay, I know I promised some of you that I would blog sooner....sorry!! I have been SO busy at my NEW JOB!!!! YEAH!!!!

Here are all the details:

I had an interview Monday at 8:00 am with ACMA in Little Rock (off Markham & Shackleford for those of you in AR). By 12:00 he called and offered me that position and asked if I could start 2:00 pm the same day!! I of coarse said yes!

The reason I started Monday was because the lady who left my position had her last day today! So I was able to train with her a few days!! Tomorrow is my first day alone!!! yikes! The lady's husband was transferred to South Carolina...that is why the position opened up! Praise the Lord though...for me!! :) She had only been there for 2 months!! She didn't know that he was going to be transferred!!! They tease me already about not leaving in 2 months.

The position title is Customer Service Assistant....here is what that basically entails:
1. I am the 2nd assistant to the CEO
2. I am the Financial Director's assistant
3. I am Customer Service (just me)
4. I am the Receptionist/catch all for everyone else

So I will pretty much stay busy until the day I die...just kidding!!

The company's official name is CGI which stands for Cunningham Group Inc. However, they mostly go by ACMA/NICM.

ACMA- American Case Management Association
NICM - National Institute of Case Management

In a nutshell we keep certified all Social Workers, RN who work with case workers, Case Workers, and any one else in that type of field. They have to become a member of our company to remain certified, attend our conferences to achieve the hours they need to be certified, and take the certification/re-certification test through us.

There are several chapters in different states with presidents and so on, but they are all members of our company...if that makes sense. Each chapter has their own state conference once a year (which we help put on) and then we host the National conference which is held in a different major city each year... this year it is in Vegas!!!

The entire staff goes to our National conference for 8 days and works it...they pay the way for all of us (get us a hotel and give us money for food)!!! I am really excited I get to go to Vegas...even if I will be working for most of the time!!

They are paying me a little less than what I was making at DBU, however, there is a possible $2,000 bonus each year based on performance...so if I can get that bonus it will be about the same as what DBU was paying! Let's face it... I have been without a job for 4 months now... I will take anything that pays!!! :)

The job itself is kind of like my Cashier job and Advancement job all rolled into one... I am processing all financial apps., payments, ect. At the same time keeping track of who has registered/paid for the conferences....not to mention COPYING CHECKS again!! :)

Thankfully it is similar to jobs I've held before...it helps me not feel as overwhelmed. I know this job will be a ministry opportunity... I don't think any of them (or many of them) go to church or are saved. They kept making comments today about how I am a crazy Baptist when I was goofing around with them! Here's the story....

I was joking with one of the ladies about buying eatable underwear for her husband for Valentines day! She of coarse told the entire office that I was going to buy my hubby eatable underwear!! They kept saying, "Wait, aren't you a Baptist Ministers Wife? You want to buy eatable underwear?!" I would just laugh and say, "It's okay, because we are married and there is nothing wrong with that in a marriage" Of coarse the entire time I could feel my face getting red! :)

I also told them that even if I wanted to go buy something like eatable underwear I didn't think I could work up enough nerve to actually go into a store like that... I would be too embarrassed. They thought that was funny! Who knows...maybe they will see that Christians can have fun too and are normal just like they are!

okay... now that I have told you an embarrassing story....I am going to get off this thing!

Until next time!! xo

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life in the "big" city

Well it has been a long time since I've gotten on this thing...sorry about that!! I don't know where to start...I guess I'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start).

Here is the honest truth:

I am not employed yet, we still have not sold our house, and we are almost broke!! Things are getting to be really tough! There are days I want to pack up and move back "home" but I know it would break Aaron's heart if I did, so I try not to cry and "suck it up"....let's face it.... I am a big girl right?!?!

There are days I can feel myself slipping into a dark hole...a pity party if you will. Some days all I can think about it is, "I need a friend, not just a passing bud but a real BOSOM BUDDY. You know a KINDRED SPIRIT. That's all it would take for me to feel at home! I just know it!"

Other days I think, "If only we didn't own a home in TX, but rather had one here especially one with LOTS of windows (since I live in a room with NO windows)! That's all it would take for me to like it here!"

Then there are those days all I can think about is the fact I have NO job, I haven't worked since November 2007. I have sent out 50+ resumes and haven't had any bits (kind of like our house). Oh, and the one bite I did get was a dud!! It is on those days I feel like a lazy bump on a log!!!!

As those and other thought whirl around in my head I have to work really hard at not letting myself get "depressed" and hate the fact we left TX for the state of AR!

If there is one thing I am trying learn in all my "ranting and raving" is this...God has supplied me with wonderful opportunities for ALL of those things that I think are hopeless!

For example:
1. He has given me bosom buddies/kindred spirits, but it’s going to take time for those friendships to blossom - I MUST be patient.
2. He has given me a "home" that is rent free with a built in gym for me to workout in - I need to be grateful.
3. Even though I haven't found a full-time job yet... He did give me an opportunity to work (with pay) for 4 1/2 weeks as a fill-in secretary at our church, therefore, allowing me to connect with the people of our church

**I need to remember God has provided in the past and he is continuing to do so. Even if it isn't in the way I think it should be or the way I think we need it to be done!! After all who knows best, Karice or Christ?!

Well here is a little update....as I was sitting here typing this note I received to phone calls. The first was a job interview and the second was a house showing!!! Isn't that funny!! God has such timing!

Details... I am sure you want details.... The job interview is Monday Feb. 4 at 10 am with Baptist Health Hospital for a Secretary II position. I am not sure what the pay is but I know it is an 8-5 job! This is a good thing...Baptist has a program that helps assist you if you pursue nursing...I am not sure of all the details but that is okay... perhaps I will know more on Monday!

The house showing is a first time show, but that doesn't mean the person looking won't fall in love with the house at first sight and make an offer today! You never know!

Oh yeah...I almost forgot... it is official (at least on our end)... I am going to be starting nursing school in the summer!! Aaron and I decided this week that it is something I need to do. I have been wanting to do this for at least 3 years now and Aaron said whether I get a job that helps pay for it or not , I need to do it...he supports me 100% (even if we have to pay for it out of pocket)! That was all I needed to hear!!! I am so pumped...and now God may be opening a door for me to work somewhere that actually pays a portion! WOW!

I think I need to get off this thing now and get some work done...I still have 2 more days of work at the church! I hope you are all doing well and we miss you all so much!

~Until next time~

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Update- boy does time fly!

Well that job interview was a bust... it was a temp job and they could only guarantee me 4 months worth of work (that is if I was bumped up from the back-up list). I decided not to continue down that road... I don't want to work for 4 months and then have to start the hunt all over again!

I know God is going to bring me the perfect job...I hope it is sooner rather than later (funds be getting low). :)

Okay, so here is the scoop since I haven't been as faithful to blogging as I thought I would:

We went to Texas for Christmas and had a blast!! It was great to see friends and family (if we didn't see you so sorry, maybe next time!)

We were in Little Rock for New Year's and I welcomed in 2008 with a semi-meltdown, but all corrected it self before the actual gong of 2008!! I am doing okay now...I must be honest and admit I have my moments were I think I am going to crack, but some how I don't! A big part of that is Aaron and how he is understands (when my moods allow)! ;)

Lucy and Merlin are well adjusted to their new homes, but Merlin is a little scarred to venture past the bathroom doors in the upstairs hall...I think the air-condition spooks him when it comes on (it sounds like someone slamming a door and running down the hall)! Lucy is having the time of her life with Boo (the other families black lab). They play non-stop! I will be happy when our house sells and we can have our own home again with our puppy there! It feels like a part of us is missing with her not present! And YES our house STILL has not sold...grr. Remember that in your prayers!

I flew to Dallas on Thursday and returned today (Saturday) because my brother Curt was visiting and I haven't seen him since my wedding! It was so much fun seeing him and the family again. We did some serious shopping and game playing!

Speaking of the shopping I have to tell... we only went to one store (JCPenny's in Lewisville at the Vista Ridge Mall) they had the biggest sale I have ever seen!! They are the model store for all Penny's world wide so they have to have their displays set up so corporate can take pictures and send them to the other locations. Needless to say they had $300 suits on sale for $47!!! So here is a rough breakdown on what all I spent (prepare to be amazed):

If purchased off the rack - $2,200
Paid in store - $350
SAVED - $1,850

That is a good sale... I was able to buy Aaron a complete new wardrobe basically!!! There was a leather jacket I got for $7.00! Oh yeah!!! now I do have to show Aaron all the loot...we may end up taking some of it back, but I always say "if you find a deal get it and return it tomorrow if you don't need it because it might not be there the next day when you go back to get it!"

Anyway...so I am back now with an ear that STILL hasn't popped... I have been off the plane for 6 hours now!!! It hurts so bad...Aaron wants to take me to the ER... I don't know what they could do. Maybe remove my ear!!! ha ha!!!

We are gearing up for our Mission Symposium that is this week at church and Aaron's family is coming into town so we are going to have Christmas with them when they get here.

I think I need to get off this thing for now...I haven't eaten since 11:00!! I hope to send another update soon!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Job Hunting.....

Here it is in a nutshell:

I really don't like job hunting, but I know God is faithful and he will provide....I am off to an interview for a Loan Specialist Assistant...we shall see.

I will write a much more detailed blog later....