Saturday, January 5, 2008

Update- boy does time fly!

Well that job interview was a bust... it was a temp job and they could only guarantee me 4 months worth of work (that is if I was bumped up from the back-up list). I decided not to continue down that road... I don't want to work for 4 months and then have to start the hunt all over again!

I know God is going to bring me the perfect job...I hope it is sooner rather than later (funds be getting low). :)

Okay, so here is the scoop since I haven't been as faithful to blogging as I thought I would:

We went to Texas for Christmas and had a blast!! It was great to see friends and family (if we didn't see you so sorry, maybe next time!)

We were in Little Rock for New Year's and I welcomed in 2008 with a semi-meltdown, but all corrected it self before the actual gong of 2008!! I am doing okay now...I must be honest and admit I have my moments were I think I am going to crack, but some how I don't! A big part of that is Aaron and how he is understands (when my moods allow)! ;)

Lucy and Merlin are well adjusted to their new homes, but Merlin is a little scarred to venture past the bathroom doors in the upstairs hall...I think the air-condition spooks him when it comes on (it sounds like someone slamming a door and running down the hall)! Lucy is having the time of her life with Boo (the other families black lab). They play non-stop! I will be happy when our house sells and we can have our own home again with our puppy there! It feels like a part of us is missing with her not present! And YES our house STILL has not sold...grr. Remember that in your prayers!

I flew to Dallas on Thursday and returned today (Saturday) because my brother Curt was visiting and I haven't seen him since my wedding! It was so much fun seeing him and the family again. We did some serious shopping and game playing!

Speaking of the shopping I have to tell... we only went to one store (JCPenny's in Lewisville at the Vista Ridge Mall) they had the biggest sale I have ever seen!! They are the model store for all Penny's world wide so they have to have their displays set up so corporate can take pictures and send them to the other locations. Needless to say they had $300 suits on sale for $47!!! So here is a rough breakdown on what all I spent (prepare to be amazed):

If purchased off the rack - $2,200
Paid in store - $350
SAVED - $1,850

That is a good sale... I was able to buy Aaron a complete new wardrobe basically!!! There was a leather jacket I got for $7.00! Oh yeah!!! now I do have to show Aaron all the loot...we may end up taking some of it back, but I always say "if you find a deal get it and return it tomorrow if you don't need it because it might not be there the next day when you go back to get it!" I am back now with an ear that STILL hasn't popped... I have been off the plane for 6 hours now!!! It hurts so bad...Aaron wants to take me to the ER... I don't know what they could do. Maybe remove my ear!!! ha ha!!!

We are gearing up for our Mission Symposium that is this week at church and Aaron's family is coming into town so we are going to have Christmas with them when they get here.

I think I need to get off this thing for now...I haven't eaten since 11:00!! I hope to send another update soon!


1 comment:

reneamac said...

bummer about the job interview. where else are you looking?

Thanks a million for the lovely birthday card! Yours is the first.

Hope you are well.