Well it has been a long time since I've gotten on this thing...sorry about that!! I don't know where to start...I guess I'll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start).
Here is the honest truth:
I am not employed yet, we still have not sold our house, and we are almost broke!! Things are getting to be really tough! There are days I want to pack up and move back "home" but I know it would break Aaron's heart if I did, so I try not to cry and "suck it up"....let's face it.... I am a big girl right?!?!
There are days I can feel myself slipping into a dark hole...a pity party if you will. Some days all I can think about it is, "I need a friend, not just a passing bud but a real BOSOM BUDDY. You know a KINDRED SPIRIT. That's all it would take for me to feel at home! I just know it!"
Other days I think, "If only we didn't own a home in TX, but rather had one here especially one with LOTS of windows (since I live in a room with NO windows)! That's all it would take for me to like it here!"
Then there are those days all I can think about is the fact I have NO job, I haven't worked since November 2007. I have sent out 50+ resumes and haven't had any bits (kind of like our house). Oh, and the one bite I did get was a dud!! It is on those days I feel like a lazy bump on a log!!!!
As those and other thought whirl around in my head I have to work really hard at not letting myself get "depressed" and hate the fact we left TX for the state of AR!
If there is one thing I am trying learn in all my "ranting and raving" is this...God has supplied me with wonderful opportunities for ALL of those things that I think are hopeless!
For example:
1. He has given me bosom buddies/kindred spirits, but it’s going to take time for those friendships to blossom - I MUST be patient.
2. He has given me a "home" that is rent free with a built in gym for me to workout in - I need to be grateful.
3. Even though I haven't found a full-time job yet... He did give me an opportunity to work (with pay) for 4 1/2 weeks as a fill-in secretary at our church, therefore, allowing me to connect with the people of our church
**I need to remember God has provided in the past and he is continuing to do so. Even if it isn't in the way I think it should be or the way I think we need it to be done!! After all who knows best, Karice or Christ?!
Well here is a little update....as I was sitting here typing this note I received to phone calls. The first was a job interview and the second was a house showing!!! Isn't that funny!! God has such timing!
Details... I am sure you want details.... The job interview is Monday Feb. 4 at 10 am with Baptist Health Hospital for a Secretary II position. I am not sure what the pay is but I know it is an 8-5 job! This is a good thing...Baptist has a program that helps assist you if you pursue nursing...I am not sure of all the details but that is okay... perhaps I will know more on Monday!
The house showing is a first time show, but that doesn't mean the person looking won't fall in love with the house at first sight and make an offer today! You never know!
Oh yeah...I almost forgot... it is official (at least on our end)... I am going to be starting nursing school in the summer!! Aaron and I decided this week that it is something I need to do. I have been wanting to do this for at least 3 years now and Aaron said whether I get a job that helps pay for it or not , I need to do it...he supports me 100% (even if we have to pay for it out of pocket)! That was all I needed to hear!!! I am so pumped...and now God may be opening a door for me to work somewhere that actually pays a portion! WOW!
I think I need to get off this thing now and get some work done...I still have 2 more days of work at the church! I hope you are all doing well and we miss you all so much!
~Until next time~